“Family” - Vin Diesel
I must confess, I’ve never seen any of The Fast and the Furious movies. I’m half convinced there’s actually only one movie, they’ve just shot it nine times, and I’m not really willing to watch the same story that many times in a row. Any major Vin Diesel fans are welcome to make their case in the comments as to why I should watch it, but for now, I’m okay with passing on the franchise altogether.
I am, however, well-versed in the various “Family” memes that have overtaken the internet in the past month or so. I’m not sure what it is, but I’m not tired of them yet; Vin furrowing his brows and answering “Family” to the most ridiculous questions continues to make me laugh.
The other night, Tucker and I met with our small group for the first time, and I’m supremely hopeful for the coming fall semester. We’ve been desperate to join a small group together since I moved here in August 2020, but Covid thwarted our plans and our church wasn’t open enough for that just yet. Fortunately, I was able to join a small group last fall, and Tucker adorably asked to join before he realized it was the “Women’s Semester in the Psalms” and he was a man. He had to wait a little longer.
But now, things are in full swing, and I’m signing up for stuff like a freshman in college trying to make friends at Club Fest. If I catch even a whiff of a ministry (or anyone, really) needing help, it takes everything in me to slow myself from signing up long enough to make sure I actually have the time in my schedule for it. It got so bad, that when our favorite restaurant closed for brunch (now only open for dinners), I actually had to remind myself that I already had a full-time job. Not to mention that applying to help bring brunch back wouldn’t actually get me Sunday brunch back...because I’d be working Sunday brunch, not brunching Sunday brunch. And I love brunching Sunday brunch.
Though I’m easily excited and I jump at more opportunities than I probably should, I’m so thankful for all the blessings in my life right now. Meeting with our new small group for dinner the other night was another blessed opportunity, one I’m not sorry I jumped at. Glancing at all the smiling faces as everyone laughed over BBQ food in the wet, Tennessee-summer-evening heat, I saw an answer to prayer for a generous and loving Christian community, a home church, a family of believers in which I am welcomed with arms open wide. Not to mention the group was packed with people Tucker and I were already forming relationships with - a couple that loves board games and pizza, a wonderful walking buddy, a fellow artsy friend.
And now we were all thrust together for prayer and Bible study and worship and purposeful community and great BBQ.
Somehow, we ended up on the subject of The Fast and the Furious franchise there at the table. Some were fans, though they admitted they couldn’t tell you a single plot point, just that they thought the movies were cool and interesting. Others had only seen a few here and there. “I like the Tokyo one the best!” I brought up the memes because of course, I did. If there’s anything I bring to the conversation, you can bet it’s a meme reference. They’d all seen at least one because the “Family” memes were everywhere, and we all laughed together at how many absurd Vin Diesel edits exist on the internet.
The conversation shifted again, the sun setting slowly, casting a warm glow over the table and my new, dear friends. We tossed out what our small group might look like when the fall semester officially started and other fun things we’d like to do, like skydiving or mini-golf (we’ll either be the coolest or the most cliche small group ever - the jury’s still out, though), and whether we’d like to do the church’s guided Bible study or read a Christian book together. As we talked, one person tossed out, “Whatever we decide on, we definitely need a small group name.”
I went for the obvious joke, “Family.” We all laughed, obviously. And I decided that one, I’d do anything with this group and I couldn’t wait to see what God had in store for us, and two, maybe I’d get around to watching at least the Tokyo one. Besides, Tucker said there’s a famous sumo wrestler in it and I’d love to see his face when he sees that for the first time.
All in all, this summer has flown by, but strangely, I don’t feel a sense of loss anymore. There’s too much on the horizon for me right now that it’s difficult to wallow, even when the weather is dull or when I realize I’m 25 or when I have a hard day - a year or two ago, these things would be devastating in some sense. I’d let them be, anyway.
But still, God’s glory shines throughout, His mercies are ever new, and His Church is such a sweet home for me, as it is for all believers. It feels like I’m learning all these things and more for the first time and I’m in awe of all Christ has done, even when eating BBQ and quoting Vin Diesel memes.
some of my small group <3