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Life Kayley Curtis Life Kayley Curtis

The Magic of Structure

I open Google Sheets once a day. I didn’t think this would be true when I decided to be a stay-at-home wife (now mother) two years ago. But the colorful triangle of Google Drive has become a constant companion, in whose presence I feel a little more sane and put together. 

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Book Reviews Kayley Curtis Book Reviews Kayley Curtis

Book Review: Hunt, Gather, Parent by Michaeleen Doucleff

Earlier this year, I finished an audiobook of Hunt, Gather, Parent: What Ancient Cultures Can Teach Us About the Lost Art of Raising Happy, Helpful Little Humans by Michaeleen Doucleff.

Overall, I loved this book. Doucleff details how various ancient cultures parent their children and how we in the western world can implement some of these ideas to raise well-behaved, helpful children. It was fascinating to dive into these cultures and their bents toward the “it takes a village” model of parenting. A lot of it is extremely helpful, especially the concept of including children in the family as productive, important members, even as babies. 

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Life, Travel Kayley Curtis Life, Travel Kayley Curtis

March Mornings

We stayed with my in-laws in Tampa to celebrate Tucker’s cousin’s wedding, and our mornings were a respite from a dull, foggy February - sunny, slow, restful, and needed. 

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