Writing about what I love
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Our Story: A Brunch Wedding
Today is our first anniversary as a married couple, so I’m reminiscing about our beautiful brunch wedding this time last year. If we had a theme, it was “brief, brunch, and blueberries.” Read about our special day!
My 2022 Reading List | My 2022 in Review
2022 is over and I was nowhere near my reading goal for the year. I read 11 books last year, which isn’t great considering how many I read in 2020 and 2021, both linked below.
BUT, I also had a busy year, what with getting married, quitting a stressful job, starting a new job (that I love, btw), and traveling quite a bit. So I figured in addition to my 2022 booklist, I’d also include brief updates of what I did this year.
“Family” - Vin Diesel
I must confess, I’ve never seen any of The Fast and the Furious movies. I’m half convinced there’s actually only one movie, they’ve just shot it nine times, and I’m not really ready to watch the same story that many times in a row.